Sunday, February 15, 2004

U.S.: What's happening in these United States

Ten more days before Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ Jesus hits the screens. Looking forward to the DVD; this one's a keeper. Here's some of the controversy surrounding The Passion.

Homosexuals are rushing to San Francisco to have some "legal" ceremony tying them to one another. Hey, I can't call it marriage, which is a God-ordained state limited only to one man and one woman. Polygamy arises from the hardness of man's heart. Maybe other body parts, too, who knows. Meantime, at least 38 states have passed laws declaring marriage a state entered into only by a man and a woman. Wiliam Kristol and Joseph Bottum advocate a constitutional amendment to protect marriage from judicial asininity. Congress already passed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), but that won't stop leftist judges from framing marriage as a civil rights issue. If marriage is a civil right, then I'm going to sue the federal government under the 14th Amd, the Equal Protection clause, cuz I'm still single.

Here's another compelling reason for judicial restraint in this country. Somebody ought to give the judge a crash course in English grammar.

Got this link from Instapundit. It's a good one, too.

More news about the French-looking John Effin Kerry, who, by the way, served in Viet Nam. BTW, his campaign has been busy appeasing the mad mullahs of Iran. Here's the Tehran Times firmly in JFK's corner. GWB ought to be shaking in his shoes, fer sher. Democrat voters don't mind any of this, cuz JFK's got a chestful of medals. They don't even care that JFK's a weather-vane. He's got electability! He looks presidential. He sounds presidential. You go, JFK! Pompous wind-sucker. He and Jane Fonda say they didn't have much to do with each other, but presidential historian Douglas Brinkley says otherwise. I guess that makes him a lying, pompous, wind-sucker.

George Will has 28 great questions for John Effin Kerry. I doubt very much whether Kerry will answer one.

Check out Jeff Jarvis's rant on Change and Fear. This guy is a Democrat, fer cryin' out loud, and if he's saying stuff like this you know a lot of Dems and Independents out there are saying the same thing. Lots of folks are predicting a close election between Bush and Kerry. I'm predicting a Bush landslide. When all is said and done, Kerry doesn't get that we're at war.

The inimitable Mark Steyn looks at dueling scandals.

We may not have the world's richest or most technologically advanced countries in the Caribbean, but neither do we have the nuttiest with a warped sense of pride The Mid-East remains chock full of nuts.

America's truly land of the free, even when they're longing for bondage. The flyer omits a session titled “Preparing to Die”. I guess they didn't want to wild non-Muslims. This is the kind of event that non-Arab, non-Muslim Sudanese, Mauritanians, women in Saudi Arabia, Christians in Muslim-dominated countries are sure to attend rejoicing at what awaits them.


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