Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Bmda: Kerry flip-flops on companies that outsource

"Just as we predicted earlier, now he has the nomination he appears to be backing off from his anti-Bermuda rhetoric because he will have to appeal to a broader base of Americans," said Deborah Middleton, chief executive officer of Bermuda International Business Association.

"He will need to move more to the right and win over corporate America if he wants to be able to raise money and compete with Bush." And he dropped any mention of Bermuda from his victory speech on Tuesday night ? the first time he has not had a go at Bermuda in weeks.

"My campaign is about replacing doubt with hope, and replacing fear with security," he said. "Together we will build a strong foundation for growth by repealing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy to cut the deficit in half in four years and invest in health care and education.

"We will repeal every tax break and every loophole that rewards any corporation for gaming the tax code to go overseas and avoid their responsibilities to America.

"We will provide new incentives for manufacturing that reward good companies for creating and keeping good jobs here at home."

Ms Middleton said that there was a change in tone in the Kerry speech, which meant he was not going after big business directly.

"Interestingly, instead of talking about penalising companies, he's now talking about rewarding them with incentives if they stay in the US," she said."There is the belief that he will concentrate on the issue of outsourcing which does not affect us, except that in one of his speeches he confused outsourcing with corporate inversions and we all know, there's not much manufacturing in Bermuda!"
I guess this means that Kerry is in favor of corporate welfare for big business. So much for no tax cuts for the rich. Give them a tax increase, and then give them tax-payer monies. I guess that's not a tax cut for the rich. Heh.


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