Tuesday, March 23, 2004

STX: Venezuelan Coke Boat docked at St. Croix.

According to this report a Venezuelan registered sailboat was seized off of Grenada by a Coast Guard contingent aboard a Dutch warship.

While Cocaine transshipped from Columbia through Hugo Chavez-vania is an unfortunate regular occurrence here in the Sunny Caribee, what struck me as odd was that the boat was piloted by a Bulgarian crew who had bought the 47 foot boat "and were taking it to Bulgaria" loaded to the gunnels with 400 pounds of powdered idiot.

...Not to mention tha fact that American Coast Guard personnel were operating from a Dutch Warship. Hurray!

Has the fame of the apparent ease of procuring large quantities of the vile substance in Venezuela spread so far as Eastern Europe?

What really got my lethargic synapses firing was: Is the maintainance of the trade route to collapsed European noses a factor in the very real reluctance of leftist Zeropean poli-tricksters to crack down on or even criticize the FARC and their pet Venezuelan tyrant?

It increasingly appears that it is not only ideology that binds European leftists to their South & Central American comrades.

It is curious to note that Marxism the world over has evolved into an anti-capitalist facade undermining the rule of democratic law...for a tidy profit - as per the French and their complicity in the recent oil-concessions-for-sanction-busting diplomatic efforts to keep Iraqis under the boot of fascist leftists.

We saw it in the evolution of the FARC into a drug-lord goon squad...we see it in the North Korean methamphetamine export economy that has been ravaging Southeast Asia...we just saw its corrupt hand propping up Aristide's regime in Haiti...we see it in Hurricane Hugo Chavez's comfy relationship with the aforementioned FARC narco-protectionists...and we are perhaps seeing the dawning manifestation of socialist Europe's tacit complicity in the same.

The sheer scale of the cocaine trade in death is mind boggling!

According to the above linked article:
"Coast Guard records show that in the year from Oct. 1, 2002, to Sept. 30, 2003, the Coast Guard was involved in the seizure of 136,865 pounds of cocaine and the arrest [of] 283 persons accused of drug smuggling"


"Last November, Willis said, authorities seized 3,086 pounds of the substance found off Colombia aboard a sailboat similar to that of the Bulgarians"

I surmise that this is a mere drop in the Caribbean Basin whence compared to historic [US] federal estimates of the ratio between seizures and what gets through their interdiction net.

Food for though...unless you are on the Columbian Diet Plan or have succumbed to their infomercial campaign of course.


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