Monday, March 08, 2004

Vzla: Heil Chavez!

In the last few days I have been in Maracaibo, Valencia and in several smaller towns of Central Venezuela. I have traveled by road some 1,500 kilometers and have encountered many road blocks manned by fierce looking National Guards (GN), they have always waved me on smilingly. The reason is simple: I wore a red shirt that serves as the chavista uniform and a cap given to me years ago, when the army was friendly, by an army General. With these two garment pieces I have never been stopped, as I have seen many other travelers stopped, to show their identity papers and to be asked all kinds of questions, in spite of the fact that our Constitution guarantees free and unencumbered travel for citizens throughout the country. Everywhere I went, I found a Venezuelan population showing their indignation to the fraud of the National Electoral Council (CNE), which pretends to rob one million Venezuelans of their legitimate right to request a presidential referendum. In all restaurants and public places where I stopped, I heard the same comments from the people. In every city and every village there is civil disobedience in action. The civic protest started peacefully after the absurd decision by the dishonest members of the CNE but, as the neanderthalic troops of the GN charged against defenseless citizens, the protest has been turning violent. There is very little the unarmed citizens can do against the sadistic Venezuelan National Guard. The Minister of Defense has just anounced that he will personally decorate Glenda Nieto, the heavily armed GN soldier who beat a flag-carrying woman to the ground during the march of Friday February 28th. This decoration is clear proof of the perverted values that exist within this government and within segments of the Venezuelan armed forces. The indignation of the people is also fueled by the feeling of impotence Venezuelans feel when faced with extreme brute force.
Chavez seems to have learned much from his heroes Hitler and Castro. An unarmed citizenry is a citizenry that can be enslaved. Chavez is proving it in Venezuela. Long live the U.S.'s 2nd Amendment!


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