Monday, April 12, 2004

Gya: Well, who tell she say dat?!?!

HISTORY was made in St. Kitts on Thursday last when Isis, the daughter of the first Premier of St. Kitts, Robert L. Bradshaw, bedecked in her yellow shirt, mounted the PAM platform in St. Pauls and introduced the Political Leader of PAM as the next Prime Minister of St. Kitts.

Well, as Paul Keans Douglas would say, "Who tell her to say dat?" The fallout was immediate and ferocious. Reportedly a call came in from London or Singapore, wherever the Prime Minister was, denouncing her action. And Labour proceeded to do what they do best - Condemn people who chose to think differently!

Earle Clarke, the one who like a stuck record, week after week, tells nationals look on the positive side of things, could find nothing positive about this act and regarded it as "shameful". Other Labour supporters, through the radio and internet expressed the fact that she had disgraced her father.
These people really need something to get their knickers in a knot about. What's so shameful about envisioning a win for a candidate?


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