U.S.: Jihad movie
I've got on Bruce Willis's Tears of the Sun. It is a powerful movie, heartbreaking. At the outset, it's clear that the events that will be depicted in the movie are the result of jihad. Fulani Muslims of Nigeria killing Ibo Christians. Race? Brotherhood? None of that there. You're not of the ummah, you're going to die. Mutilation and ethnic cleansing at its finest.Nominal Christians in the West or Westerners as a whole can babble about Paul being the founder of Christianity and the New Testament shouldn't be taken as true. Meantime, Christians in Africa -- Nigeria, Sudan, Mauritania, Egypt -- and elsewhere, know what it is to die because they are baptized. More significantly, many know what it is to die because they will not convert or accept dhimmitude. We in the West had better pray hard that that choice will never come upon us at the point of a gun.
I'm no Romanist, but I look forward to Cardinal Arinze of Africa becoming pope when John Paul II passes. Unlike JPII, Arinze will not kiss the Koran. With Arinze, it will be the Cross and the Cross alone. That is the kind of man the Roman Church needs guiding her as she faces the increasing Islamofascist threat.
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