U.S.: The enemy we face
Compliments to Robert Spencer for this one.It worked in Madrid, why not London? From Reuters, with thanks to Ted Robertson, a look at the latest threats from Omar Bakri, whom I profile in Onward Muslim Soldiers. In the book I discuss how he openly boasts of exploiting the contradictions of the Western system, preaching terror, sedition and hatred and then claiming the protections of free speech. Here he goes again:It would be a wonderful thing to be able to retreat to the innocence of an earlier age. However, with age comes knowledge and reason, both of which forbid such vain refuge. The sooner Judaeo-Christian Western civilization realizes that the fight against terrorism is existential, the sooner we can state unequivocally and openly that Islam -- not radical Muslims -- has declared war on us, the sooner we can admit that, if we are to continue to exist, we must crush Islam.LISBON (Reuters) - Several Islamic militant groups are preparing attacks on London, making such a strike unavoidable, a radical Muslim cleric said in an interview with a Portuguese magazine.Bakri is, sad to say, on firm ground in Islamic theology and law on that one.
"It's inevitable. Because several (attacks) are being prepared by several groups," Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad told Lisbon's Publica magazine from London, where he is based.
One "very well organised" group in London calling itself al Qaeda Europe "has a great appeal for young Muslims", he said. "I know that they are ready to launch a big operation."
London police said they were not prepared to discuss the claims, but the country's most senior police officer, Sir John Stevens, has previously said that an attack on the capital was inevitable.
The firebrand cleric, who has outraged moderate Muslims and non-Muslims alike with his uncompromising views, gave no further details.
Asked if a British Muslim was allowed to carry out a "terrorist attempt" in a foreign country, Muhammad said "That is another story."
He added: "We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents. Only between Muslims and unbelievers. And the life of an unbeliever has no value. It has no sanctity."
Islam began the jihad; we must turn jihad into the final Crusade.
The irony of it all is that the West has been embracing the multiculturalism and cultural relativism which asserts the parity of all civilizations.
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