Thursday, April 08, 2004

T&T: Muslims trash mosque over speaker

President General of the Anjuman Sunnat Ul Jamaat Association (ASJA) Yacoob Ali yesterday called in the police to investigate the destruction of a portion of a mosque housing its Islamic Community Services section.

The office was dismantled and dumped at the back of the Ul Ansari mosque, at Andrews Street, Chaguanas.

Security guards, who it was said were acting on behalf of an Imam, supervised the destruction.
The mosque was one of several that hosted lectures by controversial Islamic scholar Maulana Imran N Hosein, who was branded a "security risk" by ASJA, and disallowed from using all facilities owned by the association.

Ali said that yesterday's incident had nothing to do with Hosein. "This has absolutely no connection. Anyone who tries to link it is totally absurd. It has been brewing for two years now," he said.

The Express was told that Imam Mohammed had chosen not to follow the teachings dictated by ASJA, and had alienated the founders of one of the largest mosques in the country.

Islamic Community Services administrator and retired Coast Guard Commander Shaffirudeen Mohammed said when he arrived at the mosque around 9 a.m. yesterday, "about six men were there, mashing up everything. That was where we did our social work, charity, handing out hampers, and a medical clinic.
Okay, so they know the men who did it.


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