U.S.: Doonesbury race baits Condi

Not only does the very leftist Garry Trudeau repeat the Democrat mantra that GWB is unread, but he also promulgates the Richard Clarke lie that Condi Rice seemed to have never heard of Al Qaeda before he mentioned the group to her. Worse yet, Trudeau plays the race game when he has GWB referring to Miss Rice as "brown sugar."
Though there is nothing racist in the use of the term, had Condoleeza Rice been a Democrat, and had the president been a Democrat, Trudeau would never have had him refer to her thus. Had Rice been a Democrat, she would not have been in her very powerful position to begin with, it is worth noting. In putting the words in the mouth of a Republican president, and in repeating Clarke's lie, Trudeau is getting a two-fer. First, having his cartoon depiction of GWB affix the nickname of "Brown Sugar" to Condi Rice, Trudeau may be stating that, for GWB, Rice's value is her race. Moreover, by repeating Clarke's lie, Trudeau is dismissing all that talk of Rice's brilliance, and, in this way, he reduces her to just another know-nothing "brown" girl. That is no more than one would expect from liberal Democrats regarding blacks.
On another and deeper level yet, I find that the moniker "Brown Sugar," which Trudeau places in the mouth of his cartoon caricature of GWB, is troubling. The nickname is used by some as a term of endearment, the equivalent of which is "Sweetness." That is the language of those intimately involved, or it is the language of the street-side limer attempting to attract the attention of an attractive woman. Sparrow even has a calypso, "Sweetness," the chorus of which goes
I tell you you sweet!The idea inherent to it all is sexual intimacy. While I don't confess to know what is in Garry Trudeau's mind, I do find his race baiting and suggestive innuendo despicable. That Condi Rice is an important and valued member of GWB's cabinet is to be dismissed. Viewed through the prism of affirmative action, Condi Rice got to where she is because of the color of her skin and something else -- hint, hint -- not because of the content of her brain and her character. Thus, by giving her the moniker "Brown Sugar," Garry Trudeau is attempting, very crudely, to put Condoleeza Rice in her place.
I go talk behind your back or to your face.
Ruthie, you sweet!
Even sugar go have to take second place
'Specially when you shake your waist!
Understand, I'm not saying that calling a black woman "Brown Sugar" is an offensive thing, in general. In this particular cartoon, because of the context that must be taken into account when one considers what Trudeau is depicting, the only conclusion one can come to is that Trudeau is being insulting, and that he is attempting to demean Condi Rice.
Thanks to Drudge Report for the link.
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