U.S.: Liberal Plantation - Air America Radio Style...
Helen recently posted regarding the fact that the new Air America liberal Radio network was displacing Caribbean radio in New York.
Many people are rightly pissed that the liberal powers that be are presuming that Caribbean folk (all black of course...) would prefer Air America's "Morning Sedition" plantation prattle over what used to be the chief source of music and news from their home islands...
Especially vexing right now is the loss of Cricket coverage (#$X%&) to the AA Lib Rad experiment in hot-air conversion to radio waves, which the likes of Franken-stain, and that Truth about Cats and Dogs girl - With their Soros cash-stuffed pockets - believe is more important than the Caribbean coverage they have displaced to the wattle-and-daub hours of 12am to 5am.
Even voices from the left's alternative media are wondering at the arrogance of the Liberal establishment as illustrated in the following opinion piece:
...I was reminded of that incident when I started learning about this new "liberal radio network." I thought that a lot of black folks must be laughing right now, because although white liberals don't seem to realize it yet, Air America Radio is a joke.
The network is making its debut in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York. All three of these cities have a substantial black population. New York has the highest black population of any city in the country. Chicago's black population is nearly as large as its white population.. Generally speaking, blacks are much more liberal than their white counterparts. About 90% of blacks vote for the Democratic Party as opposed to just over 40% of whites. Given these facts, oÂne might expect that African Americans would be prominently featured oÂn this new "liberal radio network." Sadly, the folks at Air America Radio could oÂnly find space for a grand total of 2 black people, by my count. Chuck D, frontman for the great rap group Public Enemy, deserves better than to be oÂne of the token black guys for this doomed misadventure. The other is Mark Riley, who cohosts the show Morning Sedition. Both Chuck D and Mark Riley have 2 white cohosts.
It gets worse. In New York, Air America's programming will be featured oÂn WLIB-1190 AM, which is owned by the Inner City Broadcasting Corporation (ICBC). Prior to the partnership with Air America, WLIB had been serving New York's black community for decades. It was an outlet for black activists and featured unique "Afrocentric" programming. The CEO of the ICBC, Pierre Sutton, tells his listeners that the new move "gives us an opportunity to impact oÂn the world outside of our own community." Many in the black community disagree. According to black activist Elombe Brath, "We have people here already who know radio, who can do shows. And they want to come in with a program from other people trying to talk to black people in New York City? (WLIB) is just a station that has been stripped of what it's supposed to be! ... In reality what the station needs is to have some people who know the community and can speak to its needs."
In recent years WLIB has mostly featured Caribbean programming. Carl Tyndale, a listener for more than 17 years, was upset with the takeover: "Where are we going to find Caribbean music now? This station had so much information. They would broadcast cricket games and news from back home. Other stations don't do that. I don't think there is going to be many black issues with the new format, and there will be less Caribbean callers because people won't feel at home. That is where people tune in to get something from home." Tracey-McCallum, a listener originally from Jamaica, was equally upset by the changes. "Their programming was quite good and offered quite a bit of Caribbean news; so that oÂne source now is no longer available to us, and I think it's a great disappointment," she said. The station will still feature Caribbean content, but it will be limited to the hours between midnight and 5 AM.
Of course, most white liberals are too busy bubbling over with joy to give a damn. "At last we have a voice!" Who cares if we further marginalize African Americans in the process? Hey, it wouldn't be the first time we've done it. Russell Simmons recently attacked the arrogant indifference of white liberals at a gathering of the "Society of Ethical Culture." The meeting featured many members of Hollywood's liberal elite. Most of the time was spent strategizing about how to defeat Bush in the upcoming election. When given the opportunity to speak, Simmons informed those in attendance that "The s**t y'all doing is corny! You have to at least include people. We are not included!" The audience members responded by rolling their eyes and shaking their heads. Laurie David, the organizer of the event, later said, "I didn't really understand what he was talking about. I was pretty clueless at the beginning of his diatribe and clueless at the end of it." Obviously.
>>read the whole article>>
Hat-tip to Rantburg
Emphasis mine...Somebody get them a cluebat please.
Update: More
This is why I love the blogsphere. I was just surfing through Virginia Postrels' Dynamist Blog via the crack-like (for me at least...) InstaPundit site and found a link to: this gem of an article celebrating the real "balanced", indeed "revolutionarily" clear window into the previously inaccessible inner-workings of government...Brought to us through C-Span. C-span - many with a leftward tilted axis might be uninterested to know - is the 'product' of one of those evil industrial cabals© called the Cable In...dus...try.
After reading the article and fact-checking it with my handy-dandy Blogspherian, C-Span empowered individual common-sensometer - routed of course through my finely tuned right-calibrated personal experience thingamabob (it's Certified 50% Pundit Free too...) - I found it rather funny that what should be the leftist worldview-cracking reality that a veritable cabal of 'capitalist profiteers' could be so consistently superior at practicing the dying journalistic art of even-handed dissemination of facts, has slipped...Poof!...out of the left's collective mind. In my apparently more-mainstream-than-I-thought eyes, C-Span has earned more truely bi-partistan respect than any taxpayer-funded excuse for a so-called
Yeah NPRites, Air AmeriKKKans & you Peter Jennings volk...I'm talking to you!
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