Sunday, May 23, 2004

Vzla: Castro's lapdogs

El Universal reports: Venezuelan ambassador to Mexico, Lino Martinez, has strongly criticized the Mexican government in an interview published in the newspaper ‘Cronica,’ according to DPA.  Martinez maintains that “after 72 years of government by the PRI, President Vicente Fox came with many promises, but hasn’t accomplished any of them. Everything is ‘wait and see.’”

• He added that the “majority of the Mexican people live in poverty, calamities, health problems, (poor) education, and unemployment; it’s a people who could react.”

Martinez draws a parallel between the current Mexican political situation, in which there is a prominent confrontation between the Fox government and the head of the Federal District government, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who belongs to a different political party. The situation is similar to that of Venezuela before Chavez came to power.

The ambassador continues, “In Venezuela, something happened that’s similar to what’s going on in Mexico now. The people became disappointed in the traditional parties because they didn’t do anything for them,” and then, “Chavez assumed the leadership.”
Sounds to me like a call to revolucíon. Fox disses Castro, and Chavez's hounds nip at Fox by subtly calling for revolution. Sweet.


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