Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Ja: Castro should take the beam out of his own eye

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The UN Special Committee on Decolonisation adopted a Cuban-sponsored resolution urging the United States to expedite a process that will allow the people of Puerto Rico to exercise their right to self-determination and independence.

The resolution was adopted without a vote Monday at the end of a day-long debate in which 22 people appealed for the island's colonial status to be resolved and many backed independence. Several supported a recommendation by Puerto Rico's Legislative Assembly in 2003 for a constituent assembly to determine the island's future.

No US representative spoke duringthe session.

Puerto Rico has been a US commonwealth for more than 50 years, giving those born there American citizenship but denying them full representation in Congress.

Polls consistently show most residents support either maintaining commonwealth status or full statehood, with only about five per cent supporting independence.
When will the nations belonging to that strutting body of quacks and invalids called the United Nation sponsor a resolution urging Castro to allow the people of Cuba "to exercise their reight to self-determination and independence"?

Hypocrisy, thy name is U.N.


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