Thursday, June 10, 2004

Regional: On Hurricanes and Green Tripe

Helen posted an entry last Thursday linking to a T&T Newsday report wherein Trinidad's Emergency managers warn residents of this season's increased risk for a tropical cyclone striking the Island nation.

THE NATIONAL Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is advising citizens to prepare for a possible hurricane during the 2004 season. This warning is based on the unpredictable weather patterns that have emerged this year. NEMA's director Dave Williams explained: "With recent patterns not holding as steady as it was last season, the chance of a hurricane hitting the country has increased."
It seems that they are expecting more southerly tracks this hurricane season due to modeled predictions of a less pronounced tendency for this year's storms to recurve north to their deaths. I've seen similar meteorological portents coming out of the States....and damn if it isn't hotter than a Hippie's armpit right now. Summer really came on with a brick-wall bang this past week with tropical waves stacking up rather ominously, but l think I can still manage to keep my fear at bay - at least until I start to see Avocado trees dropping their fruit, or Red Snapper proffering themselves up to fish hooks in unusually liberal ways.

Nevertheless it niggles at me.

After all, didn't an unprecedented tropical cyclone just roll into the nether hemisphere of southern Brazil a month or so ago?

And the heat...Snap!


Of course such 'sweaty anecdote' will be re-plated and served up as Eco-manna for al-Gore's masses...And they'll eagerly gobble it down too, as it can be grokked into supporting their Global Warming Cooling Evil overpopulated human Climate Change contentions.

And they'll do this without even so much as a nod to the butterfly-winged chaos that is the weather.

The Weather has been confounding mankind's prognosticating arrogance for all history yet now every little blip is perceived as Proof, indeed, Proof positive of a vast industrialized conspiracy to destroy our Mother-Goddess Gaea. They'll chant thus as they scurry between their various air-conditioned 'impact' meetings and schlocky disaster flicks looking either parched and pale from the - no doubt - globally warmed weather, or looking like so many drowned rats gnawing their way into our globally diminished granaries to escape the "unprecedented" rain...All because their favorite TV Weather man screwed the day's forecast...yet again.

OMG! It's partly cloudy with a 50% chance of rain....Damn Butterflies Humans!

Anyway, I implore our four hurricane-belt readers to take the short term seriously enough to make sure you have a disaster ditty bag full of preparedness set aside for you and your own.

However, please be careful to omit any tinned bean product (especially of the BushTM variety) so as to reduce potential Co2 and methane emissions.
...Wouldn't want to inundate Miami or anything.


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