Thursday, March 25, 2004

Vzla: First Bahamas now Venezuela, John Kerry gets no respect

A Venezuelan government official said his country would not take seriously the criticism by US Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry against the Venezuelan government and its president, saying it is just Kerry's strategy to get more votes.

Condemning Venezuela's President Chavez's policies as "detrimental to our interests," Kerry said on his website ( Monday the United States should lead international pressure to persuade him to allow a recall vote.
 "I think that, in any case, his victory will not mean a break-up because he is a representative of the status quo," Saab said, adding that Kerry could "soften the pro-war features of George W. Bush's government."
"Kerry's strategy is to get new supporters in the Florida state," Saab added.
Will terror thugs around the globe take Kerry any more seriously? With a Kerry presidency, will they hasten to assure that they will not attack the U.S., the way Hamas did? Not likely. We might have to pay to find out.


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