Tuesday, April 06, 2004

U.S.: Why blacks should vote Republican

I must confess that I don't want ALL blacks voting Republican. Instead, I want equilibirum in the dispersal of the black vote between the two big political parties. Why do I want that? Voting is about elections, true, but it's also about POWER. Let me beat a drum that I've beaten before, black voters in America are powerless because 96%+ of the black vote goes to the Democrat Party. What do blacks get in return? Screwed. It's bend over, here's the vaseline, prepare yourself. Not even a kiss.

Yet, blacks insist on voting Democrat. No matter what Republicans do, no matter how many GOP blacks are in positions of genuine power, Democrats raise the garbage can lid and put the garbage in -- those blacks are Toms and Thomasinas; they're oreos; they're coconuts. You mustn't be achievers like them. You be a good boy; you just stay on the plantation; when election time comes around, we'll pass out cigarettes, send a few buses, visit your churches and try to sound like you. Just make sure you pull the lever for the Jackass, now. You don't need to think; massa knows what's best for you.

What do Democrats have to offer blacks? The illusion of power. Ask the CBC how much power they really have. The answer? None. Welfare. Broken families. High abortion rates. Low wage jobs. Boy, you'd better know your place and keep it.

What does the GOP have to offer? It's nice for you that you're black, but I don't give a damn. What's good for you is good for everybody else, and you're just like the white dude next to you. You both have the same dreams and aspirations for your family. Here's the deal. Lower taxes. Less business regulations so you start up a business and make money like everybody else. No affirmative action so you can bust your arse like everybody else and make something of yourself. The next man who tells you you're an affirmative action baby, slap the hell out of him cuz you did it the old fashioned way ... you earned it. Pro-family policies so you've got incentive to marry that girl you knocked up; that way, you can be a man your son will look up to. A strong defense and foreign policy. Heck, freedom ain't free, and it's worth fighting and dying for. Besides, join the military and be all that you can be. Don't worry, a Republican man's in the WH; these colors won't run. Interest rates are low, home ownership amongst blacks is the highest of all times; you're the king of your castle, dude. None of this lousy education for your kids. What's good for some white or rich guy's kid is good enough for yours; your kids deserve an education, man. None of this social promotion stuff. They learn to read like everybody, and prepare for college like everybody else. A level playing field, dude. Equality of opportunity. Heck, the outcomes are up to you. Nobody's promising you a thin 'bout the outcomes. What you get is what you've earned. The thug life in your neighborhood get to go where they belong. Don't let their superficial similiarity to you fool you. A thug, whatever his race, is a thug. He's got rights, but the victim's got rights and you're often a victim in your neighborhood. You're not a victim unless you want to be one, unless you want to make yourself one. Get up off your duff and make a life for yourself. Somebody stands in your way, roll under, around, on top of, over the hell of him and move on.

What's the Dems offering you? The same ol' sour whine.

I'm going to find out if it's possible to do a voter drive online. If you're a citizen of the U.S., don't vote for a Jackass. Register and vote Republican. Stop blowing your vote and getting screwed in return. You've got power, use it!


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