Friday, April 23, 2004

U.S.V.I.: Thomian man not an Idiotarian

It's good to see a well known (St. Thomas born) Follywood Mole...OMG!

It has always been a rule at the show, Mr. Grammer says, to play up to its audience, not down. That fact has, to say the least, done harm neither to it nor to its star.

Neither, one learns, as the conversation turns to the war and politics, has Mr. Grammer's publicly expressed scorn for certain of the wilder manifestations of antiwar, antiadministration mania now emanating from Hollywood. The entertainment world, he notes genially, isn't crowded with people who share his views, but he gets along.

"I didn't mind waving the flag a little bit " he allows. He does mind the poisonous political atmosphere, the class-hatred themes in the rhetoric of Ted Kennedy and other Democrats.

"That stuff is so repugnant to me."



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