Tuesday, May 11, 2004

U.S.: Bear with me

We Trinis like to say, when we're sufficiently enraged and willing to let loose with what we know we shouldn't say, that "Jesus ain't buried in my mouth." As a Christian, I am caught up in the Pauline tension, torn between should and do not; should not and would. More concisely, I'm torn between sinner and saint; and, in the matter of Islamic terrorism, the battle is heatedly raging. So, I am wrestling with it; wrestling with the anger caused by an attempted coup in 1990 (yikes! I have a long memory); and, with the anger caused by 2001 and subsequent events.

Moreover, I have a built-in-through-baptism rock solid resistance to the idea of any god but the One True Triune God, YHWH Elohim -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (I'm an OT and NT scholar so I use the Hebrew terms for God, for He is the same in both the OT and NT.) Thus, for me, there is no "three great religions"; there is one and that is Judaeo-Christianity. I say Judaeo-Christianity because I know that Christianity stands on the Old Testament of Judaism and is rooted in Judaism. Without Judaism, Christianity doesn't have a foundation. I believe that Judaism is made complete -- not eradicated or made null -- in Christ and Christianity.

So, where does that leave Islam? No different from satanism. Either one is with YHWH Elohim or one is against Him. Islam is against Him. Please, spare me the relativism about all gods being equal. I'm a Christian. Christianity is not relativist; it deals in the absolutisms of either-or.

That's where I am; that's where I stand.


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