Monday, June 07, 2004

Ronald Reagan's legacy

The work of ensuring Democracy's survival has been made easier in the wake of Ronald Reagan's impressive legacy.

Easier, but not by any means easy or "a Piece of Cake" as so much of the press has projected upon George W. Bush in order to prove their negative.

I hold no faith in them doing the right thing...Especially after watching the same professional BSers of the DNC media PAC - who had long called Reagan a "moron" - get back to their work of undermining this legacy before the warmth had even left Reagan's body. I hope many more people than I can remember who it was that had fought tooth-and-nail like so many jealous cats over a bowl of 15 minute old milk to negate every decisive move Reagan put forward to defeat the Soviet menace which threatened the world with its economic as well as nuclear annihilation.

I couldn't help but be saddened and not a little angered - indeed awestruck - to see them fall all over themselves attempting to capitalize on the great respect many Americans feel for Reagan whilst they discussed his mere "role" in defeating the Soviet Empire...As if the bloviaters had done anything but try to kiss tyranny's arse to ridicule Reagan's clarity of focus in hopes of winning support for their great [marxist] 'cause'.

It's striking to see the same old information elites even now attempting to downplay President Reagan's essential leadership in guiding America, indeed the world, to safety by displaying the sort of palpable strength his political foes lack even now as they waffle back and forth guaging the political wind blustering forth from the blow-hards in their own political media establishment.

Reagan's passing saddened me almost as if I had lost a father of sorts who had long stood like a rock in his devotion to my personal safety rather than settling for the semblance of crocodile safety from those who would snuff me ~and~ my liberty out as if snapping up a sliver of falafel. Reagan's legacy is a gift to the entire world whether they can see through the fog laid down by al-Gore Dhimmicrats or not.

Ronnie is gone now yet it is no strange surprise to see that the same folk who derided his decisive and lonely action to rescue the nation of Grenada from being drawn into the self-destructive maw of Castro and his Soviet patrons, are the same volk who sided with the Sandanistas. Neither is it any great surprise to see the same from those mediated folk who kicked and screamed about the deployment of Pershing missiles to Europe, The volk who had called him a "simpleton" even as the Berlin wall crumbled - as evil empires must be made to do - rather than negotiated into continued power as is the current multilateral vogue. These sages are now blathering on about Reagan's mere "role" in defeating the biggest evil empire the world has yet pretended not to know.

They do this revisionist work into which a hundred million souls disappeared already with strait faces laced as they are with botoxed concern and painted on gravitas...As if they had anything to do with Reagan's success. They vehemently opposed every move that Reagan's force of will and indomitable spirit directed towards achieving that tearing down of walls - Socialist walls that Europe even now flirts with erecting anew under the half-blinded approving eye of our global press.

They nearly universally weren't, and still aren't for "Star Wars" missile defence nor, for that matter, any self-defence that doesn't involve abject capitulation or appeasement or some convoluted combination of the two. You name the western it and they oppose it. They claim they are for self-defence, just so long as it involves not taking the fight to the enemy and as long as it opposes their domestic opponents. These Anyone But Bushies (ABB's) of course championed the status-quo of detente wherein it was presumably J -o- F'in Kerry for the Soviets to move nuclear tipped missiles into the USSR's European vassal states but to our ABB's it was apparently warmongering moron's work to match the Soviets in kind by pushing through the deployment of US missiles to a whimperingly ungrateful detente-struck Europe. They fought every success and upon being caught on the wrong side of it, they have since consistently worked to obscure that failure to the eyes of history.

It was through the actions of Ronald Reagan that I first started being aware of the essential need for someone who aspired to think for themselves, to cut through the media's filter in order to drill his/her way through the bedrock of big lies and tiny omissions laid down by our media to prevent us peons from reaching the truth. I well remember them parroting their favorite tyrant in Cuba in calling the liberation of Grenada an 'imperialist action' despite my first-hand knowlege of the truth - even as they now call the liberation of Iraq the same, despite our ready access to first hand knowlege of a similar truth. Only now they parrot Islam's fascists as they rely on our collective laziness to give them yet another pass.

I'm young, but not so young that I don't remember that whilst the likes of Carter capitulated and half-measured the emergent Islamofascists into the position of confident strength we see manifest in suicide bombs and beheadings, and whilst the likes of Kerry shook hands with Communists from Hanoi to Managua, It was the party of Reagan alone who retained the clarity of action which defeated the "Evil Empire" and threw down their various walls.

I say long live the spirit of such giants among men as embodied by one Ronald Reagan.

May his legacy forever outshine the thousand revisionist sparks cast by those who once derided, but now seek to ride upon the wave of love and appreciation that Americans rightly feel for the man who earned that admiration and respect by reminding Americans of the greatness of their country's ideals.

May he Rest in the very Peace he worked so hard and successfully to ensure.

The illuminating torch of Judaeo-Christian moral clarity is now passed onward to George W. Bush the fourty-third great American to take the oath to defend those ideals. I hope he is as up to the task at hand as President Reagan was - to keep that light shining brightly on the world despite the encroaching darkness.

I pray he proves as steadfast in his convictions, and I hope he can live up to Reagan's legacy better than the last was able.


Blogger Helen said...

Terrific piece.

8:48 PM  

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