Thursday, June 24, 2004

U.S.: Blacks screwed by the chief lackeys on the plantation

"Over 20 years ago, Sowell appeared on William F. Buckley Jr.'s PBS show, 'Firing Line,' and calmly dismantled the basis for affirmative action, arguing it immoral, divisive, and unconstitutional."

He goes on to note that both men, using facts and substantiated data, have proven the black middle class did not spring from racial set-asides or preferences or quotas, urban renewal programs, enterprise zones or welfare benefits. Racism, they point out persuasively, is bad for capitalism.

Yet black political, cultural and social leaders, virtually all of them lockstep Democrats, have used each of these "reasons" as excuses for continued black poverty, low education scores, high drop-out rates, illegitimacy and crime.

As prominent African-American leader, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, says it's all a "scam" — an apt depiction and, not coincidentally, the title of a new book he's written laying out his case.

In "Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America," Peterson argues against today's self-styled "civil rights" establishment in America, which has little to do with the heroes of the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

He says the black community's leadership is corrupt, and has called on all African-Americans to rid themselves of the current crop of black leaders and regain control of their own destinies.

Among those Peterson skewers are the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, the Rev. Al Sharpton and Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
"It's time to throw off the oppression of the established black leadership and stand for the American ideals of freedom, personal responsibility, free enterprise and moral principles," writes Peterson, who is also the head of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, whose stated goal is "rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man."

Among his observations:
-- Government and corporate race programs are "a substitute for character."

-- Immorality is "totally out of control in our communities."

-- Black music, such as gangsta rap, "elevates the most degrading vices into virtues."

-- The call for slavery reparations is "absolutely shameful" because American blacks already "live in the most opportunity-rich country in human history."
"Black Americans do not need the kind of self-appointed 'leaders' they currently have," he says. "By preaching race hatred and the cleverly packaged ideology of socialism, these leaders have convinced millions of blacks that 'white' America owes them special treatment. These leaders need to be unseated, removed, boycotted, bounced, dismissed, junked and jettisoned."

Peterson has, for years, lead an annual event against Jackson, in which he urges blacks to abandon the “leader.”
Peterson, in his book, also complains of "white cowardice," which he says hurts blacks as well.

As an example, he used an incident with former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., which cost him his leadership role.
But in his book, he points out that "whites have been so terrorized by the politically correct crowd that even when no racism is intended, a white person can find himself crucified by the professional racists."

In another example included in his book, Peterson recalled an incident in which a white aide to the newly elected black mayor of Washington, D.C., used the word "niggardly" instead of a synonym such as "stingy" to describe the city's tight budget spending.

"Instead of simply telling his critics to get a dictionary to learn the real definition of the word he had used, the man apologizes for his comment and resigned," Peterson writes.
In his trilogy, "Race and Culture," "Migrations and Cultures" and "Conquests and Cultures," Sowell traveled the world asking why some groups survive and thrive under the most adverse conditions while others disappear.

"His answer," Elder pointed out, was this: "People who possess cultural capital – a reverence for education, strength in family, and self-reliance – endure."

"Their reward?" Elder continued. "Former NAACP President Benjamin Hooks called people like Sowell and Williams 'a new breed of Uncle Tom ... some of the biggest liars the world ever saw.' Liars? For saying that the welfare state has done more to destabilize the black family than Jim Crow laws ever did?"

Still, today's Democrat-leaning black leaders continue to "promise solutions to the grievances and complaints of black Americans, but they fail to produce real answers or resolution," Peterson explained.

"If some blacks wonder why things don't improve despite this 'leadership,' they need to wake up to the fact that these leaders profit by creating and perpetrating hatred and animosity between the races," Peterson writes. "In fact, it is imperative for these leaders to continue creating problems even where none exist. If they don't, they're out of business."
Perhaps nowhere is the fundamental Democrat position of exploiting African-American sentiments more powerful and embedded than in the House Congressional Black Caucus.

The very language used by the caucus, as well as its individual leaders and members, suggests exactly what Sowell, Williams, Elder and Peterson say exists: An implied national racism towards blacks, continued inequality, and constant downward economic and cultural pressure and opportunity.

The Caucus is headed by Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md. On its Web site bears a statement by Cummings: "We choose to stand up and speak out when others choose to sit down and remain silent. We are the voice for the voiceless. . ."

Who is choosing to remain silent? And about what? Who are the voiceless? Cummings doesn't answer these questions, but since he heads a "black" caucus in Congress, one is left to assume he means African-Americans.

There are more examples. In statements carried on the same site, the caucus:

Makes a point to mention it has been called the "conscience of the Congress," but goes on to call itself the "conscience of the country," as if the nation as a whole was still guilty of mistreating blacks.

Claims its members "work every day on behalf of the American people to achieve equality and justice," insinuating that "the American people" believe there is no equality or justice for blacks.

Says its "agenda is deliberately focused on what we believe are the most pressing issues facing our country," which it says includes — but is not limited to — "building wealth by creating new jobs and businesses; universal health care for every American; ensuring equity in the education of our children; strengthening and enforcing our civil rights laws; and providing both homeland and hometown security. Many of these "pressing issues" again imply — when you measure them against the backdrop of a congressional "black" caucus — they are inherently skewered against blacks, which is false.

Points out the White House and both Houses of Congress are controlled by Republicans, but promises that, "in light of these obstacles, the Congressional Black Caucus will pursue a pro-active legislative, economic and social policy agenda that seeks to address the difficult policy challenges facing America." So the message is, the Republican Party is anathema to providing economic, cultural and social justice for African-Americans.

Concludes Peterson, "
In short, a new breed of black leaders is advocating a rejection of the Democratic Party because it has not only preyed upon African-Americans, but has abused their trust and loyalty for pure political gain.
Yup, it's time to knock the damn chip off your shoulder. Look across at the man who's of a different race than you; look beyond the color of his skin or the shape of his eyes, and see a man who wants pretty much the same thing as you do. Talk to him; find out what you have in common; discover that he's good people, too. Talk about race with him openly because, heaven knows, you're both curious about each other. You both want to know the personal minutiae so you can realize that the differences are minute.

Recently, I went to a GOP get together, a small pro-Bush party at a custard joint in this neck of the woods. A guy (whose daughter had organized the event -- he had the sweetest and smartest 10-year-old son) who, as I was about to leave, thanked me for coming and said I had added color to the gathering. Other people were gasping, slightly aghast, and unsure of how I would respond. I waited a beat, looked down at the shirt I was wearing and said, "I know I shoulda worn red-white-and-blue. Next time." We all laughed then. So the guy was clumsy, but, so what? Clumsy or not, he expressed a truth. Blacks in the GOP are like specks of coal in the sand at Barbados' beaches. Anyway, we all parted on good terms, and I went home.

Anyway, Black Liberal, I know taking the Freedom Ticket is hard. Your friends, family, co-workers, and your dog might scoff and call you 'Tom.' You'll have to read up on the political positions of the GOP candidate cuz you won't allow the precinct worker to tell you anymore who to pull that lever for. You'll have to ignore all the push-poll calls that tell you to stay on the plantation. You'll be uncertain and fearful cuz you're about to venture out into a brave new world in which you can't blame some white or Asian dude for your troubles. You'll have to stand up and take life like a man. Here's the Freedom Ticket, man. Take it. The ship's riding the waves just fine, and all hands are pulling their weight. Step aboard in pride and be free, like God made you!


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