Wednesday, June 16, 2004

U.S.: Today is Wictory Wednesday!

Well, John F'fin Kerry flip-flopped again, and this time on the late, great President Ronald W. Reagan. Before this election season and Reagan's demise, Kerry always had a number of uncomplimentary words for Ronaldus Maximus, such as "Ronald Reagan certainly was never in combat, [but] sent Americans off to die." Also, Reagan was too tough on terrorists. Sweet little gems like these, non. Anyway, F'fin Kerry is tacking right and saying that Democrats could take a page from Reagan's book. Kerry wants to remake himself into the Democrat Ronald Reagan. He'd need to become a Republican and acquire a set of core beliefs and principles for which he'd go to the mat ... without any nuance whatsoever. Better yet, he'd need to acquire a set of balls.

BTW, Howard Stern says he'll deliver swing voters for Kerry. Are there that many stupid people in America? And, 90% of Bostonians say that no, John F'fin Kerry's wife, Teresa, is not a sexy ol' broad.

So, why bother with John F'fin Kerry -- the suddenly wannabe Reagan -- when the Republican heir to Reagan is already on the stage in the person of George W. Bush?

For those of you who want to make sure you back a winner, here's how you can contribute to the re-election of President George W. Bush. If you're an American citizen:

I urge you to exercise your right as an American citizen to register to vote and support our President. You can register to vote right now by visiting Register to Vote for George W. Bush. The upcoming presidential election could be very close -- every bit as close as 2000 -- and your vote will matter. With the challenge we face of keeping this nation prosperous and secure, the stakes of this election couldn't be higher. Make your voice heard by registering to vote at Register to Vote for George W. Bush.
If you're a legal alien, contact the INS and apply for citizenship. No, you won't become a citizen in time to vote for the election, but you can begin the application process. If you're an illegal alien, there are legal paths to take to regularize your status so you can eventually exercise all the rights and privileges of American citizenship. Alternative information sourcesare here and here.

If you're a citizen, you can work towards GWB's re-election by becoming a Bush Volunteer; by making a campaign donation. Every little counts. Remember, GWB is not just up against the Kerry Ketchup mega-millions, he's also up against George Soros's billions. Give whatever you can.

Additionally, if you've got a blog, you can add Bush-Cheney campaign news to it. For those who like to shop, buy Bush-Cheney campaign gear at the GWB Online Store.

If you wish to give to the Bush re-election campaign via CaribPundit, on Wictory Wednesdays, you can hit the blog's tip jar and send me a note. What I'll do then is to move the money on to GWB's election campaign along with a list of donors. Yeah, yeah, I get to look good ! Furthermore, I'll also blog post a list of donors by first name/nickname/anonymous/whatever turns you on. Freel free to email me with comments, requests, whatever. Your mail will be private and confidential, unless you indicate otherwise.


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