Saturday, July 03, 2004

TT: It depends on what the meaning of "indpendent" is

So, how does this work? Does he ask himself a question and answer it? Or, will there be an independent investigator?

ST GEORGE'S (AP)- Grenada's prime minister announced yesterday the government will open an independent investigation into bribery allegations that he vehemently denies.

A commission of enquiry will be formed by the island's governor general, Prime Minister Keith Mitchell told Parliament.

"I am particularly pleased to announce this," Mitchell said, "because after all the allegations and dirty work done by some persons in this country, I will live to see that this prime minister will be vindicated."

Mitchell has denied allegations reported by the Miami-based newsletter OffshoreAlert in April that he accepted a US$500,000 payoff from a German-born man in exchange for giving him a trade minister position.

Mitchell has filed a criminal libel lawsuit against OffshoreAlert and publisher David Marchant. Marchant has said he stands by the story.


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