Sunday, February 08, 2004

U.S.: Looking to Republicans, Pt. 2

Apart from black support for Democrats yielding the new plantation, their future with that party is limited because their votes are taken for granted. When 98% of your vote goes to one party, it means that you've got no leverage with the other party. Since politics is about having a voice, about having power, then having no leverage means that one has no power. Blacks have no power either with Democrats or with Republicans. Thus, of all the social groups in this country, black Americans are the most powerless. In politics, power is manifested in contributions and votes. The majority of blacks do not contribute dollars, instead they contribute votes.

Okay, lemme break it down further. For years, Republicans have been pitching for the black vote. Unsuccessfully. This is in spite of Republicans being the ones who made possible the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Yet, Republican policies are good for the black community. Welfare reform. The Democrats gave America welfare, and the end result was the dissolution of community, especially the black community. When the State became daddy, welfare office bureaucrats told women that if they did not have a man in the house they could get more money. The more kids these women had, the more money they got. .The result was a system that mirrored the old slavery in which the man was discouraged from being a proper husband to the woman, with whom he was having a sexual relationship, and a good father to the children she bore him. The State had taken over his role as provider; he was relegated to being a good time in the sack. Since he was discouraged from living with the woman and his children as a family, he then spread his virtues around. The result? Horrendous rates of illegitimacy, abortion, crime, poverty as a community that had more two-parent families dissolved into single-parent families. With welfare reform sponsored by Republicans in the 1990s, the trend is beginning to reverse itself because the incentive to irresponsible behavior is removed. Just as changes in behavior took decades to develop, they'll take decades to be altered.


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