U.S. Stuff
TX woman convicted
She stabbed her husband 200 times and claimed it was self defense. Was he on PCP and coke, is what I want to know?
Walter Cronkite says he would've been just as happy being married to several male friends, but "it just never came up in our particular relations." What is the it that never came up? Did Cronkite try to walk a bent path in his younger days?
Democrats in the House are trying to rip the wimpy Republicans a new one. Though few Dems actually believe that the Bush administration fostered a coup in Haiti, its in their interests to spread the rumor and beat the drum. Why? Politics. Votes. It's all about keeping blacks on the plantation. Some Caribbean people who come to the U.S. and become citizens wind up following American blacks on to the Democrat plantation. People drink the kool-aid of race, class, grievance, and entitlement politics and march in lockstep to a drumbeat provided by Democrats.
No matter how outrageous the sound of the drumbeat, those on the plantation are expected to say, "Yes, massa." And they do. The 95%+ black vote for Democrats is proof of that. The truly sad thing is this: many of the ones cracking the whip over the backs of those on the plantation are black, too. They and their white counterparts crack those whips with a vengeance.
My kid is going to a private school.I don't like plantations. I dance to nobody's drum but my own. Coming off the plantation might be a risky thing for those who are there, but it begins one free thought at a time.
Whap! Yours must go to public school, doesn't matter if they don't learn jack.
My kid is going into some profession or business.
Whap! Welfare or some low level job is good for yours. Here's a few bucks for cigarettes, go vote for me.
My kid can think.
Whap! You and yours don't need to think. Don't ask questions. Just do what I tell you.
Whap! I'm the massa and I've got all the answers.
Whap! Oh, you're thinking? Stop that! If you think, you won't vote for me.
I don't have the same value for religion that you do.
Whap! Make sure you're in that pew when I come to your church to preach race, class, grievance, and entitlement politics.
I'm the massa and your job is to keep me in office. If I tell you a lie, ignore the facts and listen to what I tell you. Anything I say is true because I said it.
Whap! Make sure you believe my lies, parrot them, and vote for me.
I'm not going to have any of you in important positions of power.
Whap! You don't need to have power as long as I have enough of you to fill a quota. If the other guy has people like you in powerful positions, forget them. They're nothing but Toms. They're not authentic.
Whap! Despise them. They're only authentic if I tell you they are.
Whap! You believe my lies so you're more authentic than they are.
Whap! your job is to vote for me.
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