Friday, April 23, 2004

U.S.: In memoriam -- pro patria mori

Pat Tillman was killed in Afghanistan on Thursday while serving with the U.S. Army Rangers.

Tillman symbolized what was best about America. Honor, loyalty, bravery, patriotism, and the courage to fight to defend his country. There is not a stream of highly paid athletes doing what this young man did. For most athletes, the faux battle will remain on well tended fields of grass and wooden courts far from the hate and life-ending bullets of Islamic terrorists.

For Pat Tillman, America needed more than a ball-field/court defender. America needed its sons to stand up and say "I will go cuz my country needs me." So, Pat Tillman went, and he paid the ultimate price; he laid down his life. This is the price Pat Tillman knew he might pay; nevertheless he put on the uniform.

May God's eternal light shine upon him; may the One who made him grant Pat Tillman rest and peace and receive him into His kingdom. May God comfort his bereaved family; for, surely, one day when souls and bodies meet again, they will see Pat once again.

Thanks to DrudgeReport for the pictures.


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