Sunday, May 09, 2004

U.S.: An Iraqi speaks out on the Abu Ghraib prison story

What follows is a reproduction of a post from Sarmad Zangna's blog, Road of a Nation.

Ha, ha, ha.
Suddenly all people in seems take care of human rights ,and the hall Arabic world get out from his deadly silent ,and cry for the Iraqi prisoners ,those unsent an harmful people ,and those bad and bad Americans soldiers “torches” and “kill” those people with out mercy, ha ha ha ha ,I don’t believe how those people thing and ,I wont to ask ,why you people only thinking ,and like what make the hall situation worse, believe me , not all the people here agree with what happened and this was something your self don’t agree about it ,but there was people here seeing that we see more and more and more worse days in that prison on saddam hand, any way saddam time go, and he will never get back ,and we look forward to rebuild our country ,but also there is so many people here say that those people where criminals, and no one should be in prison unless he do something ,why this person is not Omer ,or wesam ,because they are good citizens and they stick to law ,also I speak with some people were in this prison ,the were suspects and they where ,saying ,the American solider treat us so well , and those people don’t represent the hall American ,we could might not ever know a bout the hall think ,but because they are a big deferens between what was happening in saddam time and now ,and the transpierce from the American side ,we know about the hall thing ,I wonder if the hall Arabic regimes allowed the human rights and the press to see what happening in there dark holes ,and what they call it prisons ,a very small example ,what happened in “Syria” and what the did to the “Kurdish” people there in the name of democracy ,and they are still killing people and catch them and put them in chelas, saying they wont to change the rule , and no one and I mean no one ,from these great and unset and human rights defenders channels ,speak abut that , do you no why ,because they said if we talk ,some people might use this agents the “Syrian” government and they might bomb “Syria” in the name of freedom ,as they did in Iraq ,ha ha ha ha ,saddam was a good guy and we were the bad guys and we heart him ,and he was treating us kindly and was afraid about they united of the Arab land so he killed those people who won’t to separate our beloved land ,also ha ha ha ha ,this way ,our free and great people thing in the middle east ,but jest a reminder ,if you wont to visited any one ,a friend ,or relatives ,in some of this “united homeland “ you need ,to pass through ,one of the most suffocated operations you had ever know ,there intelligent and there cheek points and there local agents and there local police and there ……… ,and you should have a dozen of proved “ID”and documents, and a lot of explanations to offer ,and at last they might agree for you to pass ,or they don’t ,because they don’t like something about you ,ha ha ha ha ,weak up people there is nothing call unite Arab home land .

Also I am very happy for this “pig” how calls him self “mojahed Usama ben laden” ,in his hole ,where he’s hiding there ,when he called for they Iraqi people ,telling he will give “15k.g” to any one kills “Mr.Premer” our “Mr Anan” our his representative to Iraq ”Mr.Ibraheme “ and this shows again how much those people afraid of democracy ,and what’s happening in Iraq ,but we say ,ha ha ha ha ,the Iraq people don’t deal with criminals ,and our home is not to”seal “ we will win and we will establish freedom all over our land and more ,we will teach our kids and there kids, and the hall next generations .

Living free or we die
Make sure Raffique Shah and the rest of the Trinidad Express writers read this.

Read this also, from Ali's blog Iraq the Model. It's lengthy and very much worth reading.


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