IT: Quattrochi died like a MAN

Thanks to Castle Argghhh! for the pix of Quattrocchi. From Jane at Armies of Liberation, comes this:
ROME, April 15 (Reuters) - An Italian hostage shot dead in Iraq tried to look his killers in the eye and died like a hero, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said on Thursday.The animals who killed Fabrizio Quattrocchi could not look him in the eye, so they put a hood over his head. Quattrocchi, though, showed them what Western manhood is about. The guy's a hero. He was what the male animals who killed him will never be ... Fabrizio Quattrocchi was a MAN.
Frattini told reporters that Fabrizio Quattrocchi, one of four Italian security guards abducted outside Baghdad, was hooded when his kidnappers put a gun to his head.
"When the murderers were pointing a pistol at him, this man tried to take off his hood and shouted: 'Now I'm going to show you how an Italian dies'. And they killed him," Frattini said.
"He died a hero."
Quattrocchi left for Iraq in November to work as a security guard. The 36-year-old, who was specially trained to guard oil pipelines, was earning up to 10,000 euros ($12,500) a month and saving to buy a house with his fiancee, Italian media said.
But until his kidnapping, his mother thought the former baker was working in Kosovo.
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