Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Ja: Uncle Sam's beef reduces local prices

JAMAICA expects to lift its ban on US beef by month-end when it projects the Americans will get the all-clear that its herds are free of mad cow disease and their meat safe for human consumption.

Roger Clarke, the agriculture minister, said yesterday that Jamaica was now awaiting the signal from the Office International Epizootics (OIE).
Last night, major Jamaican meat importers welcomed the signal that they would soon again have access to US beef.

"This means we can access better quality products at lower prices, which will, in turn, have a positive impact on our customers," said David Phillips, the chairman and CEO of National Meat Distributors.

"When you take away US production from the world market, the remaining beef producing countries find it difficult to supply the world," Phillips said.

The upshot: higher prices.
With the ban on American beef price has soared.


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