Friday, April 16, 2004

T&T: End the strike or lose the job

STRIKING workers at the Atlantic LNG Train 4 project could lose their jobs if they do not return to work soon.

The workers, through a memorandum of understanding by subcontractors, had been given until today to resume work but this date is now subject to the outcome of talks between the workers' representatives and Lenny Saith, Minister of Public Administration and Information.
Philip James, main spokesman for the subcontractors, said: "All workers have been invited to accept the revised MOU and they will be allowed to return to work. But, clearly, if people do not sign and do not demonstrate the willingness to work, there is no mechanism for them to receive anything.
At a press conference at the South Trinidad Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Cross Crossing Shopping Centre, San Fernando, the subcontractors listed their woes as:

*Estimated overall loss of more than $100 million since the strike began;

*Threats to their lives by some strikers;

*Closure to several of them because of overhead expenses and inability to repay bank loans.
Based on figures supplied by Bechtel, subcontractors said they were losing TT$44.1 million a month as a result of the strike. The workers, who are not unionised, are said to be losing an average of $120,000 a week since the strike.


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