Thursday, July 22, 2004

Bdos: All silent ... but for America

IF reaction, or lack thereof, to previous atrocities is any guide, the latest slaughter of innocent Christian worshippers in India and parts of Africa will hardly elicit much revulsion among an international community that professes concern about human rights.

The reality is that India’s 50-odd million Christians live in a state of terror, a centuries-long result of others’ discomfort with, even hostility to, their faith. No country protests that behaviour – on Muslims as well – more vigorously than the United States. However, an overwhelming majority of America’s critics remain silent.

The most recent of barbaric acts on India’s Christians happened over the weekend. Like others before it, the fundamental cause is a degree of religious intolerance that has been encouraged to survive even into this age of assumed enlightenment.

Every other religion is accorded the right to flourish beyond the destructive reach of politicians whose dread is to share power with a Supreme Being.

By contrast one of the Sub-Continent’s most influential political parties, driven by fundamentalist fervour, is bent on eliminating Christianity.
It is as though Christianity is fair game, assigned to a fate many commentators do not wish for other faiths, hence no outrage at the continual mindless slaughter of Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Seventh Day Adventists and many others by or at the behest of extremists.

Barbadians are not immune, as a recent bloody attack at a recent church choir practice attests.

As we commented after the St. Lucia atrocity, that may surprise some who did not know, chose not to believe or only lately learned that one of this region’s more familiar countercultures had declared war more than in purely ideological terms.

Whether identified as cultists or extremists they perpetrate a shameful blot on the civilised world. Yet, the international community, influenced by the restraint of diplomacy and political correctness, refuses to demonstrate a sufficient defence of the religious freedom it says is everyone’s legitimate right.
There never is an outcry ... unless the U.S. can be blamed. Should the U.S. ever present an argument outlining a compelling state interest in the prohibition of Islam, the world, which remains silent as Scandinavian countries rightly move to do so, will be outraged. Why? The merits of the ban will not be taken into consideration; instead, that the U.S. does it will be.


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