Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Gya: Columbus didn't kill them all

Since Columbus gets blamed for everything wrong with the New World, thought I'd pile on.

AMERINDIANS are considered the third largest group in Guyana. They also represent the fastest growing group in the country, accounting for approximately 55,000 of Guyana's population.

Amerindians in Guyana belong to nine different tribes: Arawaks, Caribs, Warraus, Macusis, Wapisianas, Akawaios, Patamonas, Arecunas and Wai Wais. Their languages and culture distinguish these tribes.

There are currently more than 120 Amerindian communities in Guyana with individual populations ranging from 120 through more than 6,000.
Being a Caribbean person of partly indigenous ancestry (my great-grandmother was a Carib), this population growth is wonderful news. I hope, though, that the Caribs have stopped eating their enemies.

BTW, there's a poem called Arawak Prologue -- I can't recall who wrote it. If anybody has a book with it, knows the name of the poet, anything, I'd like to receive a copy of its text.


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